Friday, February 27, 2009

Saying Goodbye for the Final Time

Turning in my keys and saying goodbye was hard at Stratford Towers, but I'm on to better days and am very happy.
Never seen it so clean
Bye 312

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Moving Out and Into my New Home

Just the beginning of my piles to go to the trash.
In under two hours I was moved out and moved into my new home. What a great feeling.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Class Pets

The Seventh and Eighth grade have been begging me for a class pet, so one day I surprised them with one and it quickly grew to five. Mr. Twinkle Toes also known as "Twinkie"...our Hamster. Lil' Debbie his Hamster girlfriend. Duchess our angora rabbit, Bubbles our fish and Claude our Hedgehog.