Sunday, June 09, 2013

Our New TV

Andy and I recently agreed that it was time to move on in the TV world.  We both owned what we lovingly called...The Dinosaurs.  Not only were they old, but they were so heavy that breaking your back would be a possibility when moving one of them down four levels of stairs to the dumpsters outside.  We did not break our backs, but we did receive a good workout and several bruises carrying both to their final destination.  
We also realized that if we were going to get a new TV, there would be no way it would fit in the square spot reserved for Dinosaur TV's in our hand-me-down (thank you Rebecca) entertainment center.  So, after years of use, we also lugged the heavy wood frame down to the same dumpsters...again down four levels of stairs. 
But, in the end, it was worth it.  We got a new TV stand, and after quite a bit of shoving into our car with the help of Best Buy's elite, we also got our new TV.  And the best thing about it...

It's not a Dinosaur! 

Guess Where?

We spent a free morning over Memorial Day visiting Mount Vernon.  Andy has never been there before.  I do believe the horse flies and long lines where enough for him by the end.  It must have made a huge impact on Andy though, because at the end we went into the museum to look around and Andy saw this huge portrait of this man.  He said, "I wonder who that guy was".  To which I replied, "That would be George Washington".   Sigh...