Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pumpkin Picking

Andy and I decided to go get our pumpkins for the season, since we've never gotten them before since getting married.  It would be a new experience.  We decided to head over to Ticonderoga Farms about an hour away with traffic.  We were first greeted by some goats.  You can't tell by the picture, but that is a large mountain of rocks and the goat was at the top just chewing away on something and happy as can be.   

I'd say there were at least 30 goats there or more. 

After seeing the goats and doing other little activities, we decided to take a bumpy hayride.  It pretty much consisted of us hitting every rock on the ground, going through a little lake with the tractor pulling us, and seeing a lot of cobwebs and ghosts hanging from trees.  But, it was still fun listening to the kids on the ride get excited.  


Next was the awaited pumpkin patch. 

He looks happy.  What you don't know is that he just stepped into a nice deep wet pile of mud and his shoes are all muddy now.  Well, make that two of us.  I stepped into it first and then turned around to say, Don't....  Yep, he was already sinking down.  It gave us a good laugh.  I told him it's all part of being on a farm.   

We decided not to get big pumpkins, since we didn't feel like lugging those large ones back to the car.  Plus, each person could pick a small one with admission for free. 

Besides the goats, there were pigs too.  I just love hearing pigs snort. 


It was a great way to spend a nice day outdoors.  And now our pumpkins are in the window at home.   

1 comment:

Pastor David Reed said...

Andy's shoes still look pretty white.