Sunday, November 30, 2008

Advent Wreath Making

Every year the congregation has an advent wreath making night that includes dinner and each family putting a wreath together. I was again one of the first ones done as I have been for the past two years. I don't know what takes everyone so long. It's really very easy to make. Maybe it's all the practice I had making Allison's wreath long ago that has made me quick.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Potomac Sunset

End a Thanksgiving Day with a sunset out over the Potomac. It was so beautiful I couldn't resist the shots. People were pulling over everywhere to get a better look. Another amazing thing to be thankful for on this day.

Virtual Thanksgiving

This is how I spent my Thanksgiving. No one can say the Reed family isn't in the 21st centuary! It was a great way to be with the family from the comfort of my own home.

November Bulletin Board

Some 6th Grade Characters

Benjamin Franklin Pocahantas
Tony Hawk

Monday, November 24, 2008

Biography Projects

My 7th/8th Graders had to read a biography and then do a poster character presentation. They had a lot of fun doing it. 6th Grade has their presentations on Tuesday. Stonewall Jackson Sequoyah Fidel Castro
J.R.R. Tolkien
Walt Disney
Lance Armstrong
Thura Al-Windawi
Esther Hautzig

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We Celebrate Veteran's Day

To our Veterans, we give a thank you. Here was a picture I found at the base of the following picture....someone put it there. What a shot to find.
At the Air Force Memorial
A beautiful shot of Arlington. It was amazing to look at all those tomb stones in the distance and really see just how large the place is. It was amazing.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Election Day

We had a school election Monday. The kids thought it was a blast. Inside the voting booth.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Trunk or Treat

The great pumpkin patch was what Kim and I threw together on Friday. Some people even knew what it was before we told them....even when I didn't see it. Lets just say our car didn't win a prize for the best decorated. However, we still had fun and the weather was nice thankfully. Some adults even dressed up. Here is a bunch of grapes.
Our Sterner Pirates...
Princess Sweethearts And of course one of our dear older members as the witch.