Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow and Stanley

Within an hour Arlington had turned into an accident waiting to happen with all the snow failing. Stanley had to wait with me in a traffic jam for 20 minutes while we didn't move on Columbia Pike because of an accident.
But he got a chance to see a police car.
And when we finally got home after an hour on the road, he got a chance to play in the snow. We have no school tomorrow too. We are going to sleep in. :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Flat Stanley Penny Airplane Adventure

Today Stanley got a chance to visit the penny airplane. He thought it was soooo COOL that the airplane was covered in hundreds of pennies. He wanted me to take a picture of him in front of it so he could show Jacob how big it was. Can you find me Jacob? I'm way down here!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Flat Stanley

I received a Flat Stanley in the mail from my nephew Jacob. Stanley and I are going to be posting some pictures online so you can all see where we go together. Expect to see more of him. Right now he is at daycare with me. We look like we are going to be good friends.

7th/8th Grade Projects

7th and 8th graders had a project due today covering a historical day in American History. As part of their project they also had to dress up as someone who might have been present at their particular event. Here are some for you to enjoy. Here is our weatherman covering the Tri-state tornadoes. I loved the umbrella. Next we have the pilot of the plane which dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
A Russian military man who fought at Stalingrad.
An American soldier who fought in Iraq.
Here we have one of the travelers on the Titanic....I would probably guess lower class. He said he survived though because he had a blanket.
Sitting Bull at the Battle of Little Big Horn...and yes Sitting Bull wore a hat too, not just feathers.
A prisoner from Alcatraz. Don't ask me how she escaped. She still has her handcuffs on.
A lovely lady fighting for a woman's right to vote.
And of course we have our NASA scientist who was working during the explosion of the Challenger.
More NASA scientists...these ones actually helped during the first landing on the moon. And then a very happy widow of one of our fine sailors at Pearl Harbor.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

We Say Goodbye to a Wonderful Dog

My parents dog, Copper, died last night without any warning. We only had her for a little while, but she was so special to all of us in one way or the other. We thank God for the little blessing he brought into our lives 6 years ago. Three things I know...she had the best ears, was a sweet friend to all, and I loved her with my whole heart! I'll miss you very much Copper.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Christmas Memories '10

My favorite part of Christmas is seeing Mom and Dad's family room all decorated at Christmas with the fire going. I can stay in there for hours. And of course we have the lovely living room Christmas tree.
I had to take a picture of the nativity, of course, because everyone and every animal gets to look at Jesus. Right Nathan?
And, of course, I had to get a close up of the fire. So pretty. Just another special part of Christmas. And then......
My Final Memory...her. What did she get into now? First, she ripped into some of my presents for Mom and now this. I mean it was country gravy mix afterall, and I'm sure that tastes pretty good. She can't help being a cute bad dog. Just look at that face. It screams, Forgive me Mom.