Thursday, November 25, 2010

Chess Game

This is called the Chess Game. It's in a park in downtown Washington. Thought I'd show you.
Sometimes when you are between lanes of traffic and waiting for a light, you just have to take a picture.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Leaving Daycare

One of our sweet little daycare students is leaving us for good due to a switch in mom's job. Jeff and I really loved her big personality. She was always the last student to leave daycare each day too. So, we will miss her alot. We each just had to take one last picture with her. :)

Trunk or Treat

This year at Trunk or Treat, Jeff decided he would be a nerd and his mom and I would be his books. I wanted to be pirates, but oh well. Next time. It was so cold that night, that we actually packed up much earlier than expected and spent the rest of the time indoors. One woman had her car represent Jonah and the whale. Can you see it?
Jeff, the Nerd, and Josh is what we liked to call "the Unabomber or Americanized Taliban". Nice book that Jeff picked. We were close to Reformation afterall.

Red Ribbon Week

For Red Ribbon Week we helped an organization called A-SPAN, which stands for Arlington Street People's Assistance Network. We did all types of things for them that week, including collecting new socks, coloring brown paper bags for the nightly meals they give out, and also walking to bring more awareness to the organization. Here are some pictures from our walk. We even received nice shirts, which I have since used to help dust my furniture at home. :)
It was a nice experience for the kids.