Sunday, December 02, 2007

Enjoying December 1st

Spent Yesterday going to the first girls basketball game. We lost, but it was fun to listen to the parents laugh through it all.....and it was even better walking in and all the girls screaming because I had come to watch them. The parents said it was like I was a celebrity.

In the afternoon I took a drive out along the George Washington was just beautiful out today. This is the house in downtown Alexandria that I'm in love with.

The Fort along the river....remember it Rebecca?

Friday, November 30, 2007

Enjoying the 6th Grade

Current Events - Social Studies Time every Friday

Poor Justin on the left called me Mom the other day. You should have seen his face when he realized what he said. I tried my hardest not to laugh so I wouldn't make him feel bad. It didn't bother me.
This is why Miss Reed is the coolest teacher's because SHE lets us get on the computers to work on homework. Sooo Awesome in a 6th Graders mind. What I like about the computer lab is that I can sit in one chair and watch all their screens from that one spot just by watching my computer on the left and then do my own work on the computer on the right...and my mouse controls both...and controls their computers. Yep...they are right. IT IS AWESOME!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Welcome to Fall

Here's the main bulletin board, in schools entrance, that I created for the month of October.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sarcophagus Creations

I had my 6th grades make mummies and Sarcophagus creations to earn extra credit in some of their classes with me. Out of 17 students, 15 came back on Monday with what they made. I just had to show some of them to you.

This just had to be my favorite sarcophagus. I just thought it was cool how they even went to draw the front cover.

This sarcophagus was made by my favorite sixth grader, named Cameron. He made his out of clay and then spray painted it gold. Unreal!

One student had a mummy that was the size of a small child. It shocked you at first. I turned around and she is holding this huge thing in my face. Her sarcophagus was even a packing box because her mummy was so big.

And then one student had a mummy that apparently starved inself before it died. I know you can't see the real size of this thing but it was about the size of a twig.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


One of my eighth grade boys, named David (also my favorite student), just got back from a three week trip to China with his family and he came with a gift for me and Megan McCartney. Pearl bracelets. It wasn't until later, after looking at the pearls more closely and then talking to his mother, that I found out they're REAL!!! I couldn't believe it. David's family loves us, so I guess I can understand the gift, but wow.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

New Classroom Ready to Go

Thought you might want a look at my new classroom for this year. This will be the new 7th and 8th grade homeroom.

Friday, July 27, 2007

New Car

It's about time!

Fun in the Water


July Fourth

Rebecca and I got a chance to see Washington D.C. firework display. We were right by the National Monument. don't do it justice.