Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cherry Blossoms start

Cherry Blossoms are starting. I get to see them up close in a week. I did drive by the Jefferson Memorial on my way to something else and had to laugh at all the paddle boats in the water there. Unreal how many people were there. It wasn't too bad this afternoon, but give it a few days and warm weather and you'll be stuck in Washington if you drive in there. Trees are starting to bud at church too.

Ice Cream

We raised over three hundred dollars for the class trips just from serving ice cream sundaes. My eighth grade boys did a great job scooping out the ice cream. Oh mom...I did find someone to purchase the left over ice cream from me...after school daycare. :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Video of Tea Party

Tea Party at Capitol

Jon Voight - yes the actor.
This is Obama's second cousin apparently. He's also a doctor.
From Michigan
Watching from the Capitol. I wonder who they are?

Spring is Here was 78 degrees today. How was it again in Michigan?

My 8th Grade

My 7th Grade

Lutheran Schools Week

My 7th/8th Grade - Clash Day Profession Day
Super Teams....a huge event where the kids are placed into 12 teams and go from game to game to rack up points.....and then win candy at the end. I helped with the mummy wrap.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Calligram Poems

Do you remember doing these Rebecca? The idea came from the writing ideas you gave me. These are called Calligram Poems. I had all my students write a poem of their choice, putting it into an image to reflect their poem. My jaw dropped when I saw some of the pictures. I know you can't read what the poems say, but the artistic part of the poems is what blew my mind. They did such a wonderful job. These are some of the best. Remember, these pictures are completely written in words. Enjoy~