Monday, September 17, 2007

Sarcophagus Creations

I had my 6th grades make mummies and Sarcophagus creations to earn extra credit in some of their classes with me. Out of 17 students, 15 came back on Monday with what they made. I just had to show some of them to you.

This just had to be my favorite sarcophagus. I just thought it was cool how they even went to draw the front cover.

This sarcophagus was made by my favorite sixth grader, named Cameron. He made his out of clay and then spray painted it gold. Unreal!

One student had a mummy that was the size of a small child. It shocked you at first. I turned around and she is holding this huge thing in my face. Her sarcophagus was even a packing box because her mummy was so big.

And then one student had a mummy that apparently starved inself before it died. I know you can't see the real size of this thing but it was about the size of a twig.


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed. They did a good job!

Anonymous said...

Cracks me up - I'm going to show the pictures to Arron Lehman and give him a good laugh. With kids so eager to get extra credit, it sounds like you've got a good group of self-motivated students.

Definitely worth displaying at open house or the like!