Monday, June 23, 2008

Nationals Baseball Game

Went to a National Baseball game on Sunday with the faculty and their families. You can see Washington D.C. from where you are sitting in your seats. We lost 5 to 3 to the Texas Rangers. It would have been a great time if I hadn't been so tired from the previous nights all night lockin with the youth. Because I was half falling asleep during the game, I wasn't thinking of putting on the suntan lotion going around. And let's just say that when people saw my chest on Monday when I came in to teach at VBS...most of the woman gasped. Yeah...I'm a lobster. People's main comment....Ouch!! That's got to hurt! Wish I could show you a picture but the camera died....I think forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So...was this an unexpected destination during one of your drives, or did you attend the game with someone? You don't mention anything about the when/why/with whom. And did you actually see the game? All the pictures look like they were from pre-game. (Maybe you were having trouble with the camera again.) Looks like it was a good weather day, though.