Sunday, August 03, 2014


A very nice gentleman named George visited our church today.  He's from Bethlehem and is an Arab Christian.  He came to talk to us today about the Christians in Bethlehem.  It was very interesting listening to him speak.  He said when people ask him how long he's been a Christian he replies by saying he's been a Christian for 2,000 years.  Interesting to think about.
He was speaking to us about how many people forget that there are Christians in that part of the world and even in the media you rarely hear about the Christians in the Middle East.  Well, right now, as I know you all know, there is a lot of fighting happening around Israel today.  He spoke how the Christians in Bethlehem are suffering quite a bit due to the lack of tourism.  He said over 70% of those living in Bethlehem rely on the tourists coming to Bethlehem for their daily income.  Many sell their crafts when people visit.  But with income down, many Christians are having a hard time sending their children to school and feeding them. 
With that all being said, he had brought over many of their carvings to America to sell them and make a profit to take back to Bethlehem to share with the Christians there.  He returns to that part of the world in two days.  Pray for his safety on his return trip.  Right now though, I'm assuming he's going around to many Christian churches in the area.  Anyway, he had a table with all these beautiful hand carvings and jewelry set up in the fellowship hall to purchase.  I fell in love with this one carving and Andy was nice enough to like it too and buy it.  I think it's just something very special to have to remember other Christians around the world who need our prayers. 
It's made out of olive wood.  George also explained to everyone that on the bottom of each carving one will see the words Holy Land.  He said you won't see the words Promised Land because we as Christians have already received our promise with Jesus.  Good reminder.  

Just so you all know, in the picture is Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, a lamb on the lower left side, and a star.  George also made sure to point out to me that this is not the star of David, but the star of Bethlehem.  :)

It's a gift what others can do with one piece of wood.  I'm happy to have a nativity that I can have up all year round. 

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