Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall Carnival

On Friday night, we had our Fall Carnival at school. 

Andy and I headed up the bake sale table.  We sold most of the goodies as you can see from the lack of items by the end.  What a happy guy and a good sport to do it with me.

But the biggest attraction of the night was the silly string a teacher vote.  For three tickets, you could place a vote (with your name on the vote) in a teacher's bag.  For three more tickets, you could do it again and so forth.  At the end of the night, the teacher with the most votes would get silly string all over them by 12 voters drawn from their bag.  I only got one vote.  I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.  Of course, all the teachers knew which teacher was going to get the most votes. 

Mr. Klug...the prankster himself. 

One little girl's canister didn't work, so after getting her a new one, she took the final shot. 

1 comment:

Pastor David Reed said...

I think someone accidentally put one ticket in your bag meaning it for Josh. Besides I noticed you were at the end of the line.