Tuesday, October 17, 2006

New Desktop (Again)

Gosh, with each new picture the desktop has to keep changing. And every kid keeps coming up to my desk and saying...Wow! Your sister has five kids...to which I say...Do you think one person could have three babies in one year if they are all different ages? NO! Student: Oh, that's right, each of your sisters had a baby this year. I remember. Well, then who do the other two children come from. *me sigh* Well, I guess that would mean they are mine Student: You have kids Mrs. Reed? Me: Where, where's my mom?...MOM!!! --- To which the other students start laughing and saying...She's Miss Reed not Mrs. Reed I smile and try to move on only to be stopped a minute later by the same student Student: So, did you adopt them I'll never win

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wait till a kid calls you grandma or mom. Then you'll feel like a real winner!